A few weeks ago I bought a used camera (somebody's gonna ask "what kind?" ...I don't know...it has buttons..a Canon Rebel of sorts)
We live on a tree farm...hardwoods my father-in-law had planted as a legacy for future generations (sweet, right?!!) There are rows of them on 200+ acres. So, one day I was walking, hoping to take a photo (I had only taken one on this "new" camera, then stored it like it was a jar of green beans, no, sauerkraut). I don't like reading manuals or directions.
Something I thought was a free-floating cd (the music kind, not the bank savings kind that brings a whopping 1.5 % interest, locked in until your first knee replacement) appeared before me. One half of a step back or forwards and it disappeared or reappeared. Intrigued, I took my lens cap off. (I do still have it, wonder of wonders). I tried several times to capture it as it made itself known and then not. Back home to my laptop, I was able to zoom in and edit to the point I have decided, man, this is a great photo! Not only can you see the "cd" some spider has lovingly woven, but there is BOKEH!
Bokeh is/are those lovely bubbles in the background which in the photography world means you get respect for capturing. This photo has been cropped to fit the blog but let me tell you, there is bokeh aplenty in the original sized one. There is also a mighty tangle of web where the spider must have practiced and practiced before finally producing the organized circle of glory. I'm thinking she probably also had a team of "helpers". As soon as they left her to her idea, she nailed it.
There is just no telling how many sermons are in this photo. I learn tons in nature, you? I don't destroy spiders and webs, they have their reasons. On the other hand, I am not anxious to walk face into one. The web wouldn't be so bad but wondering if that homeowner landed somehow down in your collar and steroids will soon be in order is a thought.
Happy 1st half of October. Print yourself out my photo if you want. Prop it on the bookshelf. Don't be grossed out, it's some of God's creative work which has me awed! So are you! I am in awe of you, too!